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Sep 2018
A piece of fragile glass,
Coated at the back with a compound of Chemistry.
Borns a mirror without a mess;
Beautifully decorated like a tapestry!

Round and square, big and small,
Carved with precision or life added with colours mix.
Cheap or with prices tower tall;
Shiny items keep customers in a fix!

Rome wasn't bulit in a day,
So were these wonderful things.
Creator's a Roman, the books say;
Creator's an amazing mind, in my mind it rings!

A pool of still water, then the fire,
Then came metals with some lustre;
Smooth glasses back-coated with metals was in fashion then, Sire.
Winner of the feat was none but silver with a remarkable posture!
A poem narrating the story of the origin of mirrors by Mirror (from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) itself or rather himself!
KP Dutta
Written by
KP Dutta  18/F/Assam, India
(18/F/Assam, India)   
     Zoi Ardens and Hisham Alshaikh
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