I know I said that I wouldn't write too much anymore but now it's all I can drag myself to do. I almost called the suicide hotline 20 minutes ago because I was sad and the days seem to drag and I try to make myself look happy but I'm so ******* miserable underneath Especially on nights like these. I sit and I cry and I cry and I cry and nothing helps. I took a shower so hot that my entire body turned bright red and stood in it until I felt nothing. I picked up a pencil and tried to draw but my hand didn't move and I made eye contact with myself in the mirror and I cried again . I hate the way I look when I cry, and that made me cry harder. I want to eat again but that'd be the fourth time today and I'm too afraid to. The kids across the hall are getting drunk and I can hear them stumbling around and I wonder what it's like to be them right now. I'm not writing this to get attention, I'm writing this to get it off my chest. I feel a little bit better now. I'll be fine tomorrow.