So this has been where you were all this time. Especially the kids that looked up to you.
In between being forced by your intelligence officers to beat up your comrades and then *******, or else die.
This dark uncharted neglected geographical treasure: your breathing heart's chamber.
Looking straight out what is always here with us regardless of all our lies and grand machines of escape.
This is the price you paid for being able to bring life and sustain it. Until now, we are still trying to see through this visual masterpiece: another drug mule caught.
Drugs, sometimes as if the sullen reminder of our collective human attempt at remembering our real treasures and how we have lost them: A grandmother has 7 packs taped around her body, like a parasite but also like a baby mammal, or an omen of something else yet to be remembered and said out loud.
One day or day one, a friend would always remind me when sober. We step into understanding ourselves better or we keep making things to express unresolved fears and anguish.#