Like a character hoarding advises like jewelry from a story like Fantastic Beasts, what do you think what are the best life advises you have hoarded so far?
Sharing some of mine before they get stuck in another schedule in the slaughterhouse inventory: "Wisest is he that knows he does not know" "Just live your life" "Sing in Full Voice, Until Then" "What are you doing here?" "What is your plan?" "Eat first"
Do not worry we have better villains and heroes now than long time ago, I told my brother. In turn, he made a song on a ukelele after his little one cried and hid away the broken CD collection of her brother. They called it together, the "Last Supper Constellations". His child said, "If there was a Creator. I would like to think He or She, like you or mama, would be kind. Would not that be swell?"
My brother shared with us one advise from his favorite collection, "My friend had a family filled with orphans. Even when they could no longer afford to adopt, they continued to adopt children. I did not understand before, but I also did not forget his story." #