Reading a friend's poetry and learning about myself-- learning new articulations. Switching to menthols for as long as this cold lasts. Realizing my body wants nicotine but my mouth wants smoke, that very often one, not the other, will be satisfied--that is what's in conflict.
I am trying to be a child, and I could go philosophically about that or regressively-- Sort of, it is not the bottle itself I sip which makes me the rosy ribald randy carouser but what I put back into the bottle then the trashbin which displaces the liquid up to my lips.
But regardless of my intents and drinking habits, I'll still be splashing in the water, running along the edge of the pool building a current, a whirlpool compelling my friends into water, tackling and dunking and pull them underneath, and gasping together for breath, swept along and swelling hoping to summon a Maelstrom to engulf me and all.