The problem with politicians is we need someone to represent us and they do for a reward the power and prestige. Delegates speak fluently give promises they have no intention of keeping and a prone to corruption and will always do the bidding of the haves. In the corridors of power, they strike deals which are hidden for us and when called out they lies and we are often too willing to believe them. Of course, we have democracy and elect someone else who say what we like to hear, but they the new brooms somehow blend in with the rest of their class and many run their own businesses that, they say, is because they work hard, I call it skulduggery. President Macron of France is a good example, silver-tongued and charming he pretends to want a just society when the truth is he only represents big business and doesn't bother to talk to the lower classes except for platitudes and when we discover the truth, it is too late a politician who has no ideology is only in for this for control and when they fail feel no shame just go back making money elsewhere.