The human race always searching space Wasting endless money with their game Yet deepest ever oceans things never seen By the human race unknown still remain
Crearures largest than imaginations are Of entities so massive live still far below The very oceans they play in just for fun Without a doubt they live and yet to grow
Man and his foolish ideas of all down there With twenty five if that percentage of brain If he had any idea of what exists miles below He would be rewriting his as if books of same
So far below where man cannot go or know That would make the Titanics position a puddle Yet he tells of of all he knows of what dwells Beyond his thinking and the as if shallows puzzle
Earth has endless answers to unasked questions Mans minute amount of what he thinks does exist Just little boys with his endlessly ever expensive toys Down where daylights never seen the likes never kissed
Upon earth man has not scratched the surface yet Far from as brilliant as he feels he is for sure Give ot take another million years he might be close Beyond his imagination below miles below the shore