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Sep 2018
As I looked up
I saw the fluffy clouds
I want to go up there
This expanse was binding
I wanted to observe
So I lay down on the green lush grass
With my eyes open
Blinking was not permitted
My eyes watered
But this was one beautiful gift of nature
That I couldn't miss
It was everlasting
Is it real?
I want to  dance on the candyfloss
Like I jump on a trampoline
I want to be carefree again
I want to live again
I want to go up there and play
I want my childhood back
I want my innocence back
I want to go back
I want to grow up again
MendΒ Β all the mistakes I made
Start afresh
On the clouds that dance
In the sky
So fresh.
Let's go
Let's take the omnibus
And jump on the clouds
Like carefree kids again.-L
#poem #poem
Written by
Lekha Nath  17/F
   Benton Scar'
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