Analogous, how said month name September under went ramifications throughout millennium steeped in blood thirsty antiquity, awash with torment, where most twenty first century mortals oblivious to such lawlessness
wretched ultra-violent revilement existentially going about their daily and weekly business attuned to requisite employment as punishment particularly if role of stoop laborer earnings them niggardly pay for meager nourishment,
there would be negligible leisure time leant to mull, ponder or scrutinize such esoteric rubric as preponderance of ancient civilizations set precedence contributing to present without passing judgement
if in fact possessing aggressive curiosity hellbent interest and/or acutely fervent trenchant awareness linkedin with what human engineered, sans preceding millennial development events came about to bring the here
and now space/ time continuum habiliment, where a sniveling, groveling, and conniving foo fighting beastie boy, would be loathe to believe, nor not in the least interested - gives a rats a$$ what farcical betterment prevails during
this current year two thousand eighteen, versus where drama evidenced by nothing "FAKE," nor unclear substantial archeological recorded treasure trove evinced severe of prior momentous human quaere orgiastic epics Bacchanalian
(distilled from ancient Egypt, classical Greece, enlightened Rome peoples played primitive organs (viz, sax and violens) out across the then world wide web wrought permanent pressed
customs within part ridge didst app pear, in a tree, reverberated millenniums later, and also asper among named twelve months, particularly when Ides of March near plus seven days of week.