The person says they don't believe when the view is alien without the proof to testify to a bent their mind denies the sure bet is clearly laid an accident of consequence if not in name, than by intent without a reference to mend the rift
the definitions do not match stating lies across the gulf stating nonsense at the start without an inch to walk the mile to degrade the other side empowers egos to deny some small measure that combines one to the other against the tide
when black and white become a gray disagreement is soon displayed battle lines are drawn in words exempting knowledge as a tool weaponized at all costs the only path to winning all even as a mortal soul is destroyed by the resolve
disregard is the proclaim abominations are disgraced put aside as broken tools for explanations that confuse no proof is possible to explain wickedness beyond the pale of understanding in the mind closed to spanning the divide.
The poem "They Don't Believe" was inspired by a person's statement that one of the LGBQTIA identities was not real because it couldn't be tested. This hit me hard. Intellectually I understand that they may have been coming from a "scientific" perspective. There was no malice implied in their inability to relate to the specific letter of the acronym. This, however, rang hollow as the other letters don't require the same level of rigorous proofing. Legitimately being bisexual does not require signed affidavits, peer-reviewed studies, doctor's findings, and video evidence. With that said, some aspects of the alphabet soup are easier for the larger public to understand than others.