I'd rather cuddle than go to the park Said my friend I'd rather cuddle then go to the park* Said I What a difference one little letter makes Funny that both 'a' and 'e' are the most used Out of all the 26 children, these are the most abused (Sorry that was dark, I had to write it though I've got a new contract giving me a quota And setting a minimum of X poems a day With L number of lines with Q words per line And purple plus candy canes equals love. Another provision in my contract is that I must write Anything and everything and whatever comes to mind) So I'm thinking of all these letters and thinking Why these? Why 26? Why have 'c' if 's' and 'k' can do its job? And why do people have favorites? Which makes my mind segue into this thought: Why have favorites at all? Everything will be a favorite Something to someone, right? And what does it benefit us to love a letter or symbol such as <3 Or maybe :) Is it because our mind sees patterns and so instead of seeing The mathematically incorrect 'less than three' we see a heart And instead of 'colon parentheses' (correct in no context but the internet) we see a smile And in all honesty, we must admit, <3 andΒ Β :) are not biologically Or physiologically accurate So how did we come up with the super-simplified emoticon? And who came up with a word like emoticon anyway??