DOCTOR FAUSTUS Doctor Faustus, l can feel what you passed through to gain science and to know the latest view. You sold your soul to the foe to give you what can satiate your obsessed mind and eager heart.
When a man loves someone else the other should give him something in return and not be rude. Faustus, you gave all your life for science' sake. Did that science relieve you from your bad ache?
Faustus, we are quite inside your horrid boat. We give life for various aims on which we dote. Then we wake up when the devil of your deal comes to take the price of what has no appeal.
Faustus, we are, just like you, lost in a world callous and has mindless thoughts for man's demand. We get mad as Faustus did at his sad end, pay the due but do not take what can amend. BY JOSEPH ZENIEH ____________