And now I only realized how important you were to me when you left, Like you were cinching together the ruptured rip in my heart torn apart by all that I've done for love, And I felt as if it wasn't there, Nothing went wrong either, And if it was wrong it didn't matter, Cause I knew that somewhere out there, You were caring about me and would be sad to hear about me being sad⦠So therefore, because you cared about whether I was happy or not, I was indeed very happy, But oh that evil fate that has an reared it's ugly head, Faces me head on, And now, I lie missing you and wanting you and caring more about you then I ever did when you were so within my reach, When you were there to ease the wounds of my heart, The aspirin to my aching soul, But now, I hurt more then I ever did before, Cause you aren't even within talking distance, And I try to remember the times when you weren't, Somehow they were erased from memory, Only to be replaced by the sweet iridescent moments of when you were there for me, So boy, Don't forget this heart you have so carefully and regrettably harbored for she will have a hard time forgetting you