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Dec 2012
Weakness greets our calling cards
burning holes through the eye sockets
of our avenged lovers.
Rain arrows down upon those who
have lied through gritted teeth
spouting out cavity infested promises.
Smothered in flames, you will roast
In hell along with the tears you have summoned.
Happy now? As your tongue splits in half devouring
the grotesque shape your face has become.
Crumble to ash, you acid laced a**hole.
Suffocated breaths, gasp into clouds of rot
just like the tentacles you touched me with.
Deteriorating flesh flakes scales unfolding
the sinister serpent of your inner core.
You **** the essence out of life draining every last
drop, blood splatters rippling into sound.
Happy now? Your love was only a business card
And now I belong to you.
aria xero
Written by
aria xero
   Axion Prelude
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