so... i started my first drinking session, aged 14, in a youth club in england...
it makes sense... why the american youth enter university...
what's the allowed drinking aged in america?
i still don't drive... you drive? i don't drive...
but the fraternity seniors? who "aren't" aged 21? and legally abiding to buy the alcohol?
i'm not buying myself out of the student debt... legality plays a motion: i have to earn above £15,000 to pay it back...
i'm not paying it back, because i'm not earning it, to pay it back...
i guess the only reason people go to an american college is to taste the fringes of *** ******...
to taste the alcohol infused scoops of what, hardly constitutes the concept of life...
believe me... don't adhere to high school logic... teachers have attained the stature of drug pushers...
you'd be better off smoking crack ******* in a phonebox than listening to these fidgety squares...
these lieutenants of warm cow dung! these lieutenants of no man's land body counts...
i was lied to, you'll be lied to, point being? you'll become a plumber... and i'll retain status as a "poet": without a rhyme...
**** it, not rubric... and the general analogy of pedagogy...
but in england? you're doubly ******, with the cheap labor import from Romania and Bulgaria...
you tried tio **** the Poles over... now? get ******! i'm teasing starving... because? i want a share... in what you gave me? i am all the more willing to give unto you!
Christian, benefactors! let's see you benefactor the extending *******!