The cuts riddle the body, the blood oozes from the wounds. A calm silence fills the air. No gasp for air, just a gentle sleep. Rest has finally found a weary soul, though it might seem like a gruesome end. Few will ever know the torment that a conscience wrestled with day and night. The unimaginable demons that clawed at the psyche of the person now at rest. Like a thousand bee's buzzing in the head, so were the endless voices of discontent. Pills only dulled the buzzing to a humming, that still caused turmoil and violent emotional storms. Now all is quiet as people in White coats with squeaky shoes come into the room. They move the now restful soul to another bed and wheel the mortal remains away. While somewhere in a quiet corner of eternity, the person that was is being reborn. A new creature with only one voice telling them what to do, and not many demons trying to steal a piece of their soul.