Don’t preen my wings - I told you, even though In the beginning I was just a caterpillar crawling through a sweeping field of chrysanthemums
Soft, fragile were my dreams and hopes of admiring the robins, as they thrash by their nearby nest nursing their young as the babes chirp, beaks wide open as their mum feeds them hope that someday they’ll fly like robins do
I hope I can fly, someday I told you that the night we feast on the leaves of Milkweeds in hopes of growing wings like those robins that we admire the most
Little did I know that You started chewing on what was mine, my wings- are imaginary, you said that my hopes and dreams to be one with the robins are farfetched
And you chewed, and chewed, and chewed
till we grew hard and tough on self-loathing upon the realization that your words are always the truth that we avoid since the beginning when we got drunk on that Milkweed
I admit, that you chewed and it forced me to follow
Don’t preen my wings, I told you that time when we hang up by the branch of the fully grown Hawthorn along the red, plump berries
We ghosted each other on the shell we were forced to take Like those hermit ***** that we used to watch by the thorns of roses, seeing them take the burden of one another makes us laugh
But as we sit in silence as the darkness of our own making envelops us, but I was, contented knowing that darkness is an old friend and you by my side is a way - a company to spend the time blinded
What happened?
What happened that night when a gust of wind flew through us, I felt the chill of the upcoming gale I shouted
but you are too busy
dealing with the darkness you’re in
Don’t preen my wings, I told you as I detached from the branch that we used to hangout as caterpillars
But we don’t crawl anymore
Now I am nothing but a fallen chrysalis waiting for those mighty wings of those robins I admired so much.