maybe i was wrong or maybe i was right that all this time you were all alone alone in the corner of your own world of your own dome a dome of fantasy of reality and of melancholy
maybe i was right that all along you were sad, lonely, doleful, sorrowful or however you name it
you called me a hare at the very least i didn't care but you were my puppy so adorable endearing, loving and caring as it is.
i may not know all your worries no need to scurry no need to hurry finding, searching and seeking for solutions only time can give you only God can provide only yourself can ignite.
I may not be so of a close friend of a close homie of a close whatever but at least, i'm a close hare your hair? i'll touch it no more for now but i hope you'll be okay that you'll be fine again or not
note friends are always there like particles in the atmosphere like notes that you hear like food you prefer like love and anger.