We are now back to regular programming, Plugged back in the normal curve of our every day. The high from the pill is rapidly wearing off, Proactively looking for a more stable source. I have arrived to the conclusion that I have to find someone like me: The sender of the first message, The one who cares more, The half in a better half. I am trying this thing called vulnerability, To learn all possible probabilities. The thrill-seeking, trigger-happy one, Plunges to the void right after the day is done. To find someone like me would mean I can be like them -- Like them but better. Though who am I to cast verdicts on personality, As the grand cosmos is something all of us cannot see. The downward spiral wants to be freed, Enlightenment is what we need. Get through the day, the week, the month, the year or so, Get through Time As Time is the ancient incantation for liberty, We know we can and some time we will be.