Evicting ideas must be done in earnest For the vultures of radio-static thought will feast on anything So purge! Purge your consciousness! The tempest nears! brace yourselves or be thrown into a sea of cognitive confusion!
vacuum up those pesky anxious fears the dust-mites of uncertainty, crumbs of confusion but never, ever open up that "Pandora's box" of a vacuum bag the dust gets everywhere –– I'm allergic
shove them in a bulletproof aquarium maybe fog up the glass a little obfuscating them behind a breath or two they'll slither around in there you can just make out their silhouettes if you tap the glass careful it makes them angry trapped within their own misfortune
With or without them, time ticks to a new era our darkness shall not cover laughter. hope. overlap? possibly like a kaleidoscope simply deconstructing beautiful into a tsunami of color making monotonous moments unique
a peculiar blend of all this world has to offer
20 years of life and my bottling up has yet to backfire. be content. I wanted to play a little with metaphors, not entirely sure how I feel about the poem... not my best