I knew what was expected of me For years, I saw it approaching I was to take my lantern, as those before, And light the lamps, dimmed by storm. I did what I could to prepare, but as to the extent of the toll, I was unaware.
I took my lantern and and left my home to face the trials of the storm. Looking back, I could no longer see the encouraging lights that used to shine for me. The night was dark and the rain started to fall To myself I whispered "I wasn't prepared at all".
Beginning to wonder, I started the work of using my lantern to relight those lamps that no longer burned. There wasn't time to see if the lights stayed because there were many to light along the way The storm grew stronger, the wind began to howl. I saw that my light was starting to dim. I heard the storm say "This is one fight you cannot win".
Remembering the advice, "forget yourself, go to work" I ignored my fading light and kept onward. My clothes were soaking, my skin was chilled. I tried not to focus on the things I feared. Lamp after lamp, mile after mile I passed Never knowing if my light would last.
It was too late to go back, but a struggle to keep moving. What was it that I was proving? I did what I could to keep my lantern aglow. Leaving home seem so long ago.
Keeping the light burning took all I had, and I could no longer tell if I had chosen good or bad. I pressed forward as best I could. Lamp after lamp, mile after mile Afraid my light could go out all the while.
If I focus on my light, then the lamps go unlit but if I forget it, then the light will quit.