I am me quite complex you'll see I love astronomy Literature Preraphilite art My life is bound by maths And it's connection with all we are
I like sweets, multicoloured and hard Organised Surrealist sm The queen of cups in Tarot cards I dream of vampire queens Lemon eye Lopez A sorcerer poisoned by his urchin planet
my utopian landscape, I've been there only twice Where I will one day meet Hera And play with people's lives
I love surreal Japanese literature Arthur c clerk and theoretical science Ray bradburys beauty of the future Rules are what I despise
Preferring James Herbert to Chaucer and bronte Iliads brutality to odysseys charm discovering a book by its cover And enjoying it I love the power of pr
I can list the books in order That changed my life forever You don't need to study English It doesn't matter who you are
I started my life late at 34 Falling inlove with the gift from God Discovering my faults created poetry Capturing beauty beneath our stars
I am neither this nor that But I am loyal to the core If you are hurt I won't stop till They are destroyed .....I care not what started your war
Turning my control into a way to exist I am organised to the point of a facist If you bark I will bite Then poison you with vultures plite
I can be tamed Become the perfect wife But only if you love Everything about my life
One day when you search Above the surface You will see I am me And me I am not