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Apr 2010
To this very day,
When I saw night,
Under the blue moons blue.
A demon, young as me,
Beginning to spread its wings,
And take off to flight.
And as he majestically spread,
His evil bearers,
I understood the regality,
He must once have carried,
Demons were once Angels…
And that’s what makes them scary.
That something so good,
Could turn so evil…
He attacked viciously,
Everything in sight.
His anger and wrath and lust,
Had no respite.
Until he awoke,
For he was awake but sleeping.
And saw his hands,
Looked quite like mine.
And those eyes which even still,
Were burning…
Looked similar to mine.
And those wings on which he flew on,
Which were never actually there,
And suddenly I realized.
Where there used to be an Angel,
Now was me,
A Demon.
John Ashton Upston
Written by
John Ashton Upston
   Alexa Sz
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