you don't, somehow, suddenly, get to come after me, when your lax, in up-keeping the rigidity of grammar, this orthodox rubric - somehow waver! you could have had all you already have and talk about about? but not keeping standardized rules of conversation? not keeping grammar? well... **** keeping anything else! even the cordiality of over-stepping the execution and conventionality of profundity... whatever... one word keeps ringing in my ears, an old soviet choir word... kalinka kalinka kalinka... figuring out to sing it, within the confines of an Ukranian Cossack Hopak... the atypical Kiev drunken ****... because? if you can't keep your moderate house in order... if you can't keep grammatical rules... transcending the point of nouns and pronouns and verbs... your language? like an imploding foreign currency of equivalence to the Weimar Republic... language, as a currency? hyper-inflated... over-iterated... over-used... it makes the people, like me, who acquired it... look stupid, while your own, retards... dictate a language that no one, sooner or later, will want to learn, to reengage in the linguo franca basis... because? well... if what some of your inborn comrades are doing what they're doing with the rules of grammar? it's equivalent to the profanity equivalent to 2 + 2 = 5.... or? abacus = aabcus... no?! what is native about the speaker of english? well... originally it's not the language of Wales, or Ireland... and i'm pretty sure... not even related to Scotland; but i like... the fact, that "eastern" European workers, are no longer flocking to these Isles... oh i'm sure... that there are enough English workers... to fill in their shoes... or enough Romanian or Bulgarians... without the slightest knowledge of the English tongue... to fill the missing feet of the existing shoes! get your house in order... dictate your rules... but not, inside, my... head!