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Aug 2018
erm? what?! civic nationalism,
i get... ethno-nationlism?
what has
an afro-saxon to do with the
Warsaw Uprising?!
what? zilch?! evil?! what?!
jews in Europe?
i thought i
was celebrating
the antithesis
of what the Jews said
to the Poles,
when the Nazis caame...
your streets,
our tenements
so we're the people,
who are to be homeless?
mind you...
now i know what Amon Göth
about king Casimir the Great...
back to the fight over
missing brick and mortar
of the Levant desert!
and stay there!
can i just add, to allow surfacing
of Holocaust deniers?!
the, Jews...
   are... not ivory...
they're not...
         a protected species...
they have stature of a peoples...
within the celebration
of a national stature...
one song?
   garbage's - dog new tricks...
i want... the bite...
   i want to howl, bite,
froth at the mouth...
like some blinded Alsatian!
with gouged out eyes!
   i want! the charging instruction!
i want to gnash teeth,
and rabies bite into the circa
of what is, or isn't,
i am above Jew loving...
but i'm no ****...
   i like the part where i too
get to crucify the false prophet
of Egypt...
                   if you've never
heard of the nag hammadi
i can''t help you...
Kramer vs. Kramer...
   and the french toast...
dipping a slice of white toast
into egg yoke and white...
and then frying it...
with an addition of German ham
and dutch cheese...
   ******* yummy as ****!
but that's what Polish children heard
before the German came...
the Jews:
  your streets...
our tenements...
                there's a time to boast and tame...
but not when the angry mob
of Germans protesting the treaty
of Versailles is coming...
     i'm not a Holocaust denier...
i, am?
   serves you right type of guy.
       what sort of ethnic minority
starts gagging you
  your streets (wasze ulice),
    our tenements (nasze kamienice)
i like quoting my grandfather...
  (SZ = SH)...
               i'll cite my grandfather
on this memory...
your streets, our tenements
  (wasze ulice, nasze kamienice)...
    your Israel...
             our Europe!
       i'll sustain an immunity for
  no matter what...
  it doesn't bother me...
sell yourself your little, post-scriptum
of the the British Empire *******
about Victoria and Abdul...
          that's your history...
you keep it...
along with the Polish pilots who joined
the RAF in the dog-fights for the battle
for Britain...
         come, come, come...
you sided with the ****-
sidekick of the grooming gangs
to call my ethnicity, vermin...
   i stopped caring...
it wasn't the easiest option...
but... why should i?
what?! every english girl is suddenly,
"somehow", a ******* Madonna?!
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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