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Aug 2018
i was... 4 or so years ago,
asking the dumb-*** question
of a poetess...
the acronym, a.s.l.,
why? so i could figure
out the jist of her poems...
it's not like i was readied,
licking a post-stamp,
about to flush a postcard to her address...
i, *listen"...
  apparently the woman was
deaf, by all terminology of
convenience being exploited...
   2 years, having invested
in the platform...
   i get kicked off...
for a non-offensive private messaging
the only site with any notion
of copyright laws,
that prohibit ctrl c / p
style of "printing",
and boom, i'm gone,
for asking a sincere question...
i.e. so what do you see?
what inspires you?
        what do i get?
    can i please sleep with
a **** Valkyrie?!
  some blonde bombshell?!
can i can?
   i don't like these people...
they're bugging me...
like cockroaches...
        i'm having the sort of
barber itching of
a haircut, from the excesses of
"stubble" rounded up from
behind the collar...
   itchy, as, ****!
            why was i deplatformed from wattpad?
for the most innocent messaging
   no, tribunal, no court, no jury...
  leather boots! no shoeshine boy!
   **** me... the genesis of the current
conundrum began 3 or so years prior...
wattpad... one of the few publishing
sites, that actually mattered,
in terms of ctrl c / p obstructionism...
  gone... out of existence...
   for the acronym a.s.l.,
      i wanted to hear what this fellow
"poetess" saw, from outside her window...
it wasn't an infringing schematic
of forwarding information
of a defamatory nature...
         2 years? any excuses? and reasons
for being deplatformed?
                i'd sooner entertain
a chimp in the form of Caesar,
teaching me Pythagoras!
        it's not new, it's simply been, delayed...
i had plenty of content on
the medium... but then again...
the YA genre buckled,
people (esp. young girls)
started to grow up...
        and the wattpad ******,
genre bogus bias,
  buckled, when werewolves, vampires,
and... Frankenstein monsters
took the dinosaur route...
             it's nothing new to me...
it's a bit like sending a curriculum vitae
to companies...
   and hearing no reply...
          i was at least expecting
an answer, an excuse, why the acronym
a.s.l. was so offensive...
    got none...
                    the mainstream concern
has been brewing, on the slow-cooker
for over 4 years...
     i guess i joined wattpad in the early
              good thing to know...
whatever i write, and post online?
i keep no personal copy of...
i am given the de platform, strike?
  you, erase me...
    i don't keep copies of my work on
my hard-drive...
          i don't keep it...
you attack me, like that ******* wattpad
attack, on
    you give me sanctimony,
outside the realm of mortality...
you allow me a chance
to implode upon the awaiting
   ruling of a mortal being...
i, become, death...
    and all my work, gone within
a sanctimony of a lived-thriving-ambition...
but i'm all for it...
i love being teased into such situations...

    perhaps i love animals too much...
but then again,
a metaphorical dog fight
among humans?
        perhaps i'm waiting for one...
gauged out eyes...
slit tongues...
     bleeding gums
and lost canines and incisors...
        because? right now?
i'm not waiting for anything
more than what is necessary...
an escalation of mindless violence...

     like i mentioned before:
just bring a belt without a buckle...
wrap it around your hand and wrist,
ensuring there's a St. Andrew's cross
protecting your knuckles...
    brick wall, or jealous antithesis...
there's still a sweet punch left
to make an applauded dynamic, of.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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