I hear voices, My own voices; Negative and positive One voice to fail, Once voice to succeed But my ears fall under a spell that cannot be broken My mind is telling me to leave Listening to a broken soul, Im struggling, im fighting Who is this voice thats trying to speak Where is this voice thats trying to see I disappeared And i didnt come back Inside a cage im locked The key is inside my mind My heart tries to break through But it weakens Im trapped Unable to escape Pounding into my chest; My throat is trying run I cannot breathe, Because the pace of my heart is choking me to fear Now my heart bleeds, Bleeding into a body This is how it speaks What is it trying to say? Im confused Its trying to talk to me In my ears it whispers; "I miss you please come back" I hear but i dont understand Im blind but i can only see the darkness deep inside my soul I cannot move I cannot think Where am i supposed to go? I ask my heart My mind wont let me escape The repetitive signals from the heart, Is killing me each time it tries to speak I cannot follow I cannot leave Its not easy And my heart wants me to sneak Im hyperventilating now I know im going to fall Im dizzy, Im nautious What is it trying to tell me Im having bad anxiety My hot flashes are starting My face is red My body is trembling My skin is sweating These attacks are getting worse My tears force themselves through my eyes Its forcing me to cry My head is killing me My mind is punishing me I dont want to do this no more I dont want to suffer no more If i come back to myself will things be better? If i come home to myself will it all disappear? The heart craves what it wants But the mind takes what it can steal The heart screams The mind fights back The heart cries The mind laughs The heart pulls The mind pushes The heart blocks The mind breaks The heart begs The mind ignores The heart wants to heal The mind continues to bleed The mind creates darkness And so the heart turns black The mind creates tension And so the heart pumps faster The mind creates fears And so the heart races The mind creates anxiety And so the heart beats faster The mind creates anger And so the heart turns cold The mind creates depression And so the heart breaks The mind creates a stranger And so the heart wants to stop