I hide behind myself; Behind my soul My shadow appears trapped in the mirror Unable to step forward, Because Im forced to step back. Like a chain that brakes, Im broken; Disconnected from what held me together. Separated from being close. I appear far; Far away from everyone. I seclude myself from the world; Not caring about life. Ive taken away the positive emotions coming from inside me. & replaced with negative emotions that wont leave my body. The party is at one end of the table, While I move to the other side. I refuse to connect with everybody I talk in silence inside my head. My conscience yells in my ear. I refuse to ignore, I refuse to move, I am frozen like ice, Because I wont melt down to what I used to be. Silence has replaced my mouth Darkness has replaced my eyes Closure has replaced my nose Static has replaced my ears & so the wall has replaced my body, Because I refuse to go farther. The invisible wall blocks me from getting out; Because I force myself to be distant. Distant from people And distant from myself.