to bask in offline and/or online friendship like quaffing from flask with no deliberate intent to antagonize nor mask any hidden agenda - quite challenging task.
Thus, i turn question back 2 u per what spurred posting/responding too, and might there be interest with me - n average hue man male - hoping 4 acquaintance brand new from - this bard
of schwenksville - matthew ***** older buck haint gonna byte need to take fright i scout cyber seas donning virtual webbed wide wet suit to brook a female friendship countless
adult oriented web site up prefer venues left of political right and absolutely positively unquestioningly without subatomic particle of interest than please just respond
albeit, and try to be polite... good morning, noon, or night quite right 2b guarded when acquaintanceship begins out of sight whereby data bits bump uglies and grind thru information super highway somewhat tight. Ma arch bald dingbats fingas clip by
at greased lightening speed justa friendship this poor fella doth need an accommodating gal to offer a lead mien eyes not purposely heed, nor any greed from stall huff
eyeing in sects less marriage this guy wants 2b freed with no malice this super tramping wordsmith of inxs ac of dc charged cheap tricks, sans done ***** deed. This impersonator
sometime bard of yore admits to his apology if taken totally abominable like bar rammy aback to proposition with carnal desires in store and ideally match deeds e-z with these words
towards strong desire to adore forsooth naked realm to allow noggin to bore together in close syn cop yule lay shun couplet core and would gently encourage newfound muse to let me dip quill in iambic
pentameter du jour from a wordsmith who shies away drinking *** or smoking *****. Now with a zing i step into digital xing via summit fall low wing written jest to byte
tongue in cheek unsure if phone here will ring or unexpected gold plated invitation after the yodeling ding in an effort to hear pleasant, yet discordant musical ka – ching
for cherished pennies, nickels, dimes, nickle back et cetera from heaven to bring. Twiddling 2 opposable black bird shaped green thumb me schmart simian Semitic **** gets comfortably numb quaffing humongous
amount of *** while downing sesame street pudding made of pureed plum like jack in the corner boot my luck more glum, and despite ****** stubble with here and there a stale crumb this dabbler in words haint no ***.