you are like being a child, waking up from a dreamless slumber, suddenly awake warm beneath the soft comforter your grandmother sewed for your brother the one faded almost to threads, so white and gently patterned in the eight am sun and fall has come and the air is clear and dry and cold but the sunlight is warm so you cast off the comfort of the comforter you holler silently down wooden hallways you scatter loosely down broken gravel pathways and out into and endless grass up to the waist, with purple and golden flowers all covered in wet night dew and you sing the song of the soul that is the chilly tickle of water droplets running down your legs and the slight scratch of the blades of grass across your ankles and legs. The song of morning and of bright sunlight and of fresh air and rebirth, a song of things passing on and new things beginning to be.
you are like the small minutes of infinite and beautiful and humble freedom that makes us all human again.