my angel is a scarecrow in a sleeping bag. heaven a movie theater in spain. she walks that way because she is trying to step on her blood. the boy at the gate is lost and must choose either frankenstein’s childhood or a more diverse nostalgia. orphans on earth smell like bread.
there are pictures of me sleeping that are responsible for my brother cheating on his diet. apples the shape of going home. *** addicts fighting to direct a musical about the number of people disappearing
to let death mourn. there is a chair in an open field. a throbbing in the palm of sound’s publisher. a kid under a blanket asking god
when did she know what perfection was. a mouth that was a bomb
/ before I had teeth
with sound the second language of absence, with
mother, bible, bee
(I am trying to memorize missing you
church of the removed stitch. what I would bite
to have your mouth.
in the history of newborns not one is named
shelter, and we’ve called
only two attraction…
my dream priest dies in the desert after making with death a movie, no...
the blood’s search for brain
they took the body
lamb stayed with star
you can train a bird but not a fish to care
for a thumb...
fire is the skin of god
a father at peace with how many times his hair has died is standing in a museum before the shell of a giant turtle
his infant’s mouth has gone home to lose its shape