When they don't care for you, But they're all you can think of?
When you begin to think, Am I not enough?
This is the love in which You'd give your all for that person with every action, The love where you care so deeply But they only return a fraction, and they just...
...kinda care.
It is the most painful form of love. Worse than the unrequited. Worse than the forbidden.
It is the not-enough.
The you-don't-measure-up.
Where the person you'd go to hell and back for hardly notices when you're down. Only slightly cares when you're not around.
The not-enough.
The why-do-you-care-so-much?
Where the person you'd stay up to listen to Until your eyelids force themselves shut Only listens when it is convenient for them too. You may think they care too, but...
This is the not-enough, Where you are never enough.