i could have had siblings, and turned out less... quirky... but then Chernobyl happened... and it was like... either we keep one, or we breed another, hapless limb-McKenzie; i.e.? i'm not a solipsist by nature, or choice, rather... a scare... given that atheism already knows that god, or, "god", has solipsism ingrained in "its" ontological architecture.... and... wasn't Kant who revitalißed the concern for dialectics? why pin down Hegel as originator? i've moved past conversational english in compositional parameters... alles ist abstrakt... there's conversational english, which i retain... but compositional english? sorry... there's an automated hindering herr zensor in place... conversational english is for english people... my english? they don't teach in the native high-schools; also known as schattenzungepuppenspiel... and i know how the ancient Saxons love their compounding of words, how they loath the French deviance from diacritical markers - how they eat up consonant syllables, and how they loath, English shrapnel, and the hyphenation, intra-words... guess this sort of ontology, perpetrates, a central european bias against the outliers - Mc for the catholic in scotland... Mac for the protestant under the guise of Knox. so look, at the Chinese predicament of the weight of my predicament behind me... wavering and counter-instigating a perspective... of being a mono- guise of reproductive structuring... if only Chernobyl didn't happen... i'm sure that my mother would have been more ballsy to allow me a younger brother, or sister... i guess... i managed to figure out the solo... more than, those forced to play out the siblings orchestration... oh i compete, to the death, with my first acquired sibling... mein schatten.