The imposter forgets the first time their start lost from memory gone behind the veil of time that opening of the present lies truth abandoned may have yelled exclaimed injustice as an affront looking to the whole conscience for redress to the new harm
look to the mentors of the lie tutors of deception’s trait providing guidance to ensure misstatement is the verity permission given to fabricate reliance on the dark arts with spin as the least of sins as deceit becomes the norm
perhaps the babe had a chance that innocent was lost alas when the falsehoods did not stop fiction became the certitude now days have darkly blurred so many times the untruths were spun until the facts became misplaced in yesteryear of the bygone.
The poem “The First Time” was inspired by the title of the Tumblr short story “The Imposter Remembers”. Imposters were not born whole-clothe as the manipulators of reality. The origin may be lost to the present, but somewhere in the past, the first lie was told.