and here is the half ring to honor our half engagement here is the half birthday that i half arrived at here's half the money to give you a ride home here's half the water bill half this salad half the bottle half a fork half a napkin to wipe off half your face half the equation half the notes on the passion half the poetry cluttering the desk half the time spent looking half the strings you need to play and here's the cake to honor that half birthday here's the half car you half use to work half way
but what can i do with half a ring i cant put it on my finger, i cant have it to display and whats the point of a half cake when my family is invited to dinner, and a salad almost gone to be eaten with an only two prong fork only one sided story doesn't make for much a tale and you could be poor and give more ask willie, who roams 55th street, ask him about having nothing, but his name and he remembers it some they forget, but he remembers what others forget and he's still living and he hasn't quit.