JESUS IS MY FRIEND. Your friend can affect your mind and change your style. He can make you cheer and laugh or tend to wail. Tell me who your dear friend is, l can tell you who exactly you can be, and it turns true.
I've read books about old myths and histories, and those heroes who have lived in friaries, but l cannot find a man whom l love more than Jesus Whom l admire and adore.
He is Whom l love as man of refined traits. He has such great might of heart that never hates. No one can be strong like Him and bear a grudge. He forgives all as He can't the weak men judge.
He's made me love all my life as l do now as most gleeful sight He can my eyes endow. I've begun to see all folk as most loved men, which grants me a tranquil heart void of all strain. BY JOSEPH ZENIEH ____________