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Nov 2012
Sometimes I feel stuck,
I feel like I have to fall
But that is not an option
Becaus I know that falling
Won't make me better

I know that falling is not a key
I won't open any doors at all
I know that the steps I take,
Are worth something
Maybe not now
Maybe not here
But somewhere and at some time
Those steps will tell my story

I am tired of stopping
I am tired of falling
For love
For friendship
For fakes
I won't fall again

I am strong enough now
I know the difference between true
And fake
I know my reality now
I know where I am headed too
I am heading to victory

Giving up
And looking back
Are not on my list
I won't step back and I will make it
BEcause in the end it will be worth it...
The voice
Written by
The voice  Wisconsin
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