this is my first reach its taken all body and sole to clean no solution is bleach not in black but blue whole. tried to be pleasant not really interested everywhere i look is present always padded and chested. how can i rid didree to you i plead so fed up dragging this skid from you good news i need. not batting for other side not sure if he has clicked no objection to gay pride 2 main men in my life ticked. could be a obsession not the one by calvin klein only desperate is my expression can not even call the thin blue line. righted my wrong back off bill love of my life not appropriate song is it clear now how i feel.
( one of my pet hates is to explain poetry but i am making a exception in this case. i was going through my poetry collection when i came across this poem. can not remember the reasons why i wrote it in such a way. from a friend i recently heard bill has passed away and i thought in remembrance for him i would post this poem. we did have a troubled relationship but now it is time to forgive and forget and move on. if bill is looking down reading this i hope he can see i am getting on with life and even if we had a turbulent relationship. bill is gone but not forgot. )