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Nov 2012
Her parents weren’t there to cry
The day that sleeping beauty died.
First Dad, then Mother, slipped away
as their comatose daughter slept each day.
Through forty two years of dreamless sleep
Her loving family did their promise keep.
A drug reaction was the cause
of her coma irreversible.
By the power of
Unconditional love
The faint flickering flame
Of life stayed possible.
Until today did beauty lie.
Until today did life endure.
Today she smiled and opened her eyes
Only then did beauty die..
Based on the story of Edwarda O’Bara, a Florida woman, who went into a diabetic coma in 1970 and was cared for at home by her family until, Yesterday, she passed away
John F McCullagh
Written by
John F McCullagh  63/M/NY
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