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Jul 2018
.   and Kant, remained the classical bachelor example; kept a cat, thought about walking the dog, forgot about the dog once a need for a leash became apparent... instead replaced the leash with a shadow, and the dog with a clock.

she thought me smoking
cigarettes outside of my window was
the problem...
infringing on the concept of
private property -
but there's this thing called
a maternal instinct...
yeah... and there's this plateau
of a civility concept...
and private property rights...
yet... and yet...
her baby suffered...
and... she... addressing me
in her underwear...
with bare thighs showing...
   me smoking a cigarettes
outside of my own window...
and yet! and yet!
    missed the major problem?
even i didn't miss the main
       THE ******* HEATWAVE!
so, dear, whoever you,
who i've lived side-by-side to
for the past 15+ years...
and have only spoken to since
      you're telling me
that me smoking a cigarette on:
******* English!
   - and the current heatwave
is not doing more harm
than me exhaling the smoke
in the opposite direction?
couldn't you move
the poor ****** from room
to room, to find him
a cold spot?
   oh right... mother aged 40+ years
old... i guess the maternal instinct
dried off... have
to blame your child's suffering
on your neighbours...
but not on the heat...
              BUT NOT ON THE HEAT...
no... ah...
   but a day later...
when the sun suddenly decided to
edge into a shyness - hiding -
the little ******* stopped crying...
oh no no... heat was never
the prime reason for the little *******
being in pain... even though
i too found myself looking for a cold
surface to extend a portion of sleep!
maternal "intuition":
what? the sort that can't identify
the main problem, namely the heat?!
well, **** me shiver and
the falling timber!
   jolene! jolene! jolene! joe! lean!
  maternal instinct my ***...
     the little ****** is crying
from the heat... i'm synonymous
with him, looking for extra shade...
and a cold slab floor
like some Count de Monte Crisco...
         by some Awank *******...
in England...
   reiteration of property rights...
is virtually non-existent -
     i can't, by such rubric...
take a shower... ****-naked...
     i can't smoke a cigarette on
my property...
  given... that a woman, who has had
fer first child aged 40+,
has the maternal instinct,
of a ******...
   who can't tell the difference between
a man smoking a cigarette from his
window... from...
                 THE ******* HEATWAVE!
****-bait... ****-habit...
       one of those itchy topics.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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