the door cracked open light flooded through that small crack into the dark room
it's been dark for some time now, years now there is no way to be deliberate about this when days take their own form and harden, refusing to yield
and as an artist I want to contort things to my own liking I want to create my own reality yet for this endeavor the price is high for my days become full of useless striving chasing all I think I want but I'm left bewildered when I find that everything I've chased all along Has always been within me
for now I have a ***** in the armor of my heart but soon my heart will no longer need armor for it's love will shine forth, mighty and true it will be radiant and powerful that it will no longer need the injured identity and poorly constructed walls the armor is comprised of for the heart in it's authenticity is the most potent force in all the universe when we vow to live our lives with integrity then we have promise ourselves that we will break free from the rat race-- the endless suffering of a purposeless life.