I don't get this tough guy act This facade of strength and invincibility Put on by guys who work out They brag and strut, show off their muscles I think it's a bit pathetic. Ok cool, you can lift 300 pounds, Can you discuss poetry and science intelligentlly? Why act invincible and as though you're more solid Than a diamond, strong through and through We both know you're more of a turtle, Strong shell, and soft center that you pretend is nonexistant In all honesty, I think guys do it to show up other guys But I'm more into smart, funny guys More lean than musclebound And above all, gentle and kind Sensitivity is not weakness and chivalry should not die
At my school though, it's dying Some guy will run me over And another will let the door swing A third will simply push on through The rare friend or stranger who stops and gives way Who holds the door or makes some space Is hard to find today, and precious
I'll never get this tough guy act, Made of agression and violence Fueled by pure testosterone And removes all common sense. So guys, please stop this tough guy act Not a pretty sight at all You'll beat each other up For what all too? A girl? A prize?
I'm not saying don't work out or be strong if you want, go ahead, I just don't get the mentality that being stronger and acting tougher makes you a better guy to be with or better overall