"Fake news, fake news!" The boy cried fake news every time a story failed to paint him in the most positive possible light, neglected to deify him in the most sunny way. He denounced, decried and denigrated reporters who would check with two more sources if their moms claimed to love them the way their ink-stained forebears did. He attempted to discredit truth-seekers who actually had stricter codes of ethics than doctors, cops, actuaries, any profession really.
The callow boy cried fake news so much that his most loyal followers shouted “fake news” out car windows at TV reporters reporting on alligators that crossed the street, fired drive-by potshots at newsrooms out of sheer lunacy. The boy cried fake news so much that he did protest too much, that his cries sounded fake, that his credibility strained against the press corps who produced backing documents, audio recordings and multiple sources. The boy cried fake news so much it degenerated into cliche and ceased to mean anything at all.
The boy cried fake news at a time when the news felt financial pressured into running clickbait articles like “Eight Hanukkah Lessons I Learned from Smoking a Menorah ****” or the “12 Most *** Days of Christmas.”