More' n force gore and seven years ago tha youngest daughter of Willian and Sylvia Zison found her beau pea ping over a paperback (at present aye got nada clue of the title), un been
knownst to him, he would be do wing lifetime penance as a husband and father, no longer able to keep his head underground like an ostrich or emu foisted into marriage when male adroit flagellated cell
didst ova whelm, and subsequently flue max, a panic prone pencil necked geek soon to learn goo goo gaga, and brushing up on Horton Hears a Hoo learning to swaddle
airtight as an igloo though a devout atheist gentile, he attests genealogical lineage linkedin many a Jew but unfortunately only scant details this groom knew, which sketchy family tree did include loo
knee, goofy, and crazy offshoots, (essentially deadwood pruning hooks never took down), hence weak human DNA stock freely germinating cow wards less bright than cloven hoofed bovines moo
ching and sometimes tasting ****** Semitic brew, especially espying bear naked lady even yours truly hollered yabba dabba doo tasting verboten fruit predestined to sire daughters after enjoying despacito while playing flue
gull horn spitting spluttering semantic glue whereby biological totally tubular fates loosed full bore obligatory, yet paternal loving chore foisting dada track detour invoking fatherly delight as fate found me to explore
the joys and sorrows engaging das mister Harris chieftain, sans family of four attending, diapering, and pampering galore which necessary task aye could, nor would be able to ignore
from which pier rill us infant sea bay bee launched jarring insightful growing pains attendant 'pon requisite summery autotomy off spring , when tears streamed down cheeks as more
declarations of independence meant nudging flight while pour ring heartfelt love shore ring, and anchoring, viz Harris black strap - ma lasses survival skills, thence giving progeny Thor row lee - wharf fare
leveeing my best dammed gluten and MSG free emotional bulwark whar renting channeling con currently bolstering your preponderent swell alcove harboring shipshape bon voyage.