day light will be new - the way it will rise from the infinite night sky, promising that i will see you. that moon in a blue sky, the reminder that what illuminates darkness can never fade. always, i will become full again. the pain will wax and wane, the tears will swell and pour out. i will collect them in the deepest fallows of my heart and my body will flood, will shed, will empty and become hollow. from a void vast and powerful, matter will slowly form again, lie a single silver egg, from it an entire universe of stars and love will birth. i will believe, still. i will trust even when the pain torments each corner of my mind. i will rise. i will rise for your body that is weak and dis-eased. i will form a new self, one that will know daylight and darkness not as duality, but forces of great mystery. death, i will not fear you, but honor you. i will bow down and offer my prayers to your majesty.