Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. These are the colors of the rainbow, the colors of nature. Not ment to be put into peoples hair, yet we do it anyways, we take things that arn't ours, and use them in ways they arn't suposed to be used.
In a way it is beautiful, the way some people can weave the color into their hair, and make it look like it is theirs, make it look like it belongs, but on the inside they know it doesn't belong. That those are natures colors, and that without nature they wouldn't be able to put it in their hair. They thank their hair stylest for doing such a good job.
When really they should be thanking mother nature, for giving us these colors, for gicing us the oppertunity to use them. For giving us a part of nature
Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple. These are the colors of nature