I remember when you would hit my chest you would cry and pray or whatever you felt that day you'd look at me with those disgusted eyes and say why dont you love me well loving you made me this way
As every insecurity you projected unto me led to my undoing we fall apart when I look at us I see the flaws you made aparent I sigh woe is me blah blah blah I hid behind the humor but you made me this way
i remembered when you wanted my defensive but when I did you became offensive I dont understand or just wasn't comprehensive of what mistakes I made you were attentive that id never make this error again I was set up for submission or was that was your true intent nevertheless you made me this way
I sleep next to you but the only presence is air when I reach for your hand you're not willing to share id be there when you didn't want me to but if the roles changed I aint sure what you'd do this way of life isn't just about you you made me this way to stop loving you
its late at night but i couldn't rest until my words were seen