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Nov 2012
I can't stand it.

You're mad at me one second,
Then okay the next.

You want to yell at me,
Then buy me things and smile.

You know that I love you.
I think of you as if you were truely my mother.

But when you do these things to me,
You act just like her.

Just like the woman who made me cry every night.
Just like the woman who beat me.

Just like the woman,
You told me you would never be.

Mom, I love you.
But I dont know how to act around you.  

I dont know how to please you,
And I dont know how to make you happy.

I wish I knew.
I really wish I did.

But you always tell me,
"Change in a relationship is a two way street."

"You cannot make a change in someone,
If you do not expect to change yourself."

Well, here I am.
Ready to change.

But, I wonder..
Where are you?
Alexia Vlasak
Written by
Alexia Vlasak
   DieingEmbers and Timothy
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