I long for the tantalizing-turbulent taste of your being The way you make love with the simple wordless-ness of action The rhythmic motions of your body so close, an within mine The sweat dripping slip of callused hands on my skin How you SHOW me the words you speak So often So loudly Quietly when we are alone The love, I want to feel more that hear Seeing they say is believing,
I want to Touch, smoldering steady fire That lingers in your heart Not just rely On the fallacy that Words abide
But I haven't Felt the burn of your desire Or the subtle warmth of furnaced kiss Nor have you "loved" me with All the fierceness that I have Come to depend on The surety that alone would never change When you would let me love you till the heat Brought water spewing from smoldering eyes How the redness of swollen lips lead to Sweet words On my tongue My face Communicating with the eyes alone.
I long for love Long for the connection of More than words Having been lied to for a lifetime Fed from a liers hand Bitten to much to believe anything but what you show me What you make me feel Inspire me to do
And oh how I love you You complete and utter manly mess How I've tried to stand firm On weak knees Tiny shoulders aren't meant to hold the world When knees fail And the rock you should be Is as feeble
How you bleed my heart With the way you Love me Bleed it dry A puddle I stand in Daily Waiting for you Longing for you To wake up From whatever has taken you away from me
I long for you Though you stand beside me Close enough to touch Smell To reach To touch your callused hands
And imagine what they felt like To A distant Less drained Me
Where I was happy Where I was complete Had not the other half Of my soul, not but abandoned me.