/ only failing comes through with a spectacular fashion...
the rest?
just the usual - grey face, the tie, albeit tremendous attire, and a well donned grin...
something... stupendous, and "in-the-moment" "leisure" with a lost "activity" to, "convince":
or, actually, never convene around the *****-whipped boy-scouts,
love the punk frisk though... it's a bit like: i will never grow up, contra: and i won't because i've been down-selected like a wheelchair burden of a person...
which in the case of stephen hawkings...
if you know the story of stephen hawkings(')...
is that a martyr, or a charity chase given all the provided examples for a pontiff?!
i said european "martial arts" begins with unlearning being kicked in the *****,
allowing the 4th knuckle to become protruded... "softened"...